Iban countries map For each country you can view a sample IBAN or decode your IBAN with the IBAN calculator. IBAN Calculator IBAN Country List. ISO Country Code: FR (France) IBAN check Digits: 14: BBAN: 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606: Bank Identifier: 20041: Branch Identifier: 01005: Account Number: 0500013M026 An International Bank Account Number (IBAN) contains all the information needed to identify one specific bank account from the millions held all over the world. IBAN is short for International Bank Account Number and is used to identify an individual account in cross-border payments. The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for example LV30RIKO0000083232646 is an internationally agreed upon system of identifying bank accounts across national borders to facilitate the communication and processing of cross border transactions with a reduced risk of transcription Instant Saver account; Savings Builder (£1 to £25,000) Premium Saver (£25,000 to £1,000,000) First Saver account; Cash Management account (Multi currency) Sep 3, 2024 · As of March 2018, 75 countries worldwide are using the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) numbering system. svg, which is in human-editable plain text (svg+xml) format. Simply select the country by checking the box, and watch as it automatically fills with color on the map. a. This is a format that many countries use to identify your individual bank account details for overseas money transfers. IBAN Countries List. The following list is all the countries that supports IBAN based on the SWIFT Public Registry. . Each country has a different IBAN format. The total countries that supports IBAN partially are 23 country, and the list for all in this page ISO Country Code: GB (United Kingdom) IBAN check Digits: 29: BBAN: NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19: Bank Identifier: NWBK: Branch Identifier: 601613: Account Number: 31926819 ISO Country Code: SA (Saudi Arabia) IBAN check Digits: 03: BBAN: 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519: Bank Identifier: 80: Account Number: 000000608010167519: SEPA Member: No The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is a standardized international numbering system used to identify individual bank accounts involved in cross-border transactions. The IBAN is primarily used in European and European Union countries. Why doesn't Oracle provide the correct values for the missing countries? Can somebody help us with the correct settings for the IBAN Country Setup Page? See also: Finland IBAN Format Example. Medium blue: IBAN country (not SEPA), not yet completely supported by us. ISO Country Code: LB (Lebanon) IBAN check Digits: 62: BBAN: 0999 0000 0001 0019 0122 9114: Bank Identifier: 0999: Account Number: 00000001001901229114: SEPA Member IBAN Verification Tool to validate Benin IBAN, BANK OF AFRICA IBAN BJ66BJ0610100100144390000769 format * Covid19 Latest Updates * Flags Maps Embassy Consulates IBAN Checker Distance Calculator Currency Converter ISO Country Code: RS (Serbia) IBAN check Digits: 35: BBAN: 2600 0560 1001 6113 79: Bank Identifier: 260: Account Number: 0056010016113: BBAN Check Digit(s) 79: SEPA Member The total countries that supports IBAN are 89 country, and the list for all in this page ISO Country Code: VG (Virgin Islands) IBAN check Digits: 96: BBAN: VPVG 0000 0123 4567 8901: Bank Identifier: VPVG: Account Number: 0000012345678901: SEPA Member World map - find out more IB Policies - Creating enabling environments to scale inclusive business solutions IB and the SDGs - an overview of recent developments around the SDGs ISO Country Code: DO (Dominican Republic) IBAN check Digits: 28: BBAN: BAGR 0000 0001 2124 5361 1324: Bank Identifier: BAGR: Account Number: 00000001212453611324 Norway IBAN Format Example. description_2 IBAN stands for an International Bank Account Number. ISO Country Code: SM (San Marino) IBAN check Digits: 86: BBAN: U032 2509 8000 0000 0270 100: BBAN Check Digit(s) U: Bank Identifier: 03225: Branch Identifier: 09800 The following form lists all countries globally, including numerous dependent territories, organized by continent. Jun 12, 2024 · Register Of Countries Using the IBAN Standard – Source: https: // www. iban. This map is and should always be derived from Canuckguy's File:BlankMap-World6. IBAN along with SWIFT Code is required for international money transfer. Each IBAN is unique to a specific bank account and includes essential information such as the account holder's country, bank, and branch. This system supports the exchange and processing of transactions across borders by enabling the sharing of account identification information in a format that machines can read Oct 24, 2022 · MANDATORY IBAN COUNTRY LIST: Country Country Code IBAN Length Andorra AD 24 Austria AT 20 Bahrain BH 22 Belgium BE 16 Bosnia-Hercegovina BA 20 Bulgaria BG 22 Croatia HR 21 Cyprus CY 28 Czech Republic CZ 24 Denmark DK 18 Estonia EE 20 Faeroe Islands FO 18 Finland FI 18 France FR 27 Georgia GE 22 Germany DE 22 Gibraltar GI 23 Greece GR 27 French Polynesia IBAN Format Example. The total countries that supports IBAN are 89 country, and the list for all in this page Table summarizes formats of IBAN (International Bank Account Number) numbers used in different countries. The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) contains unique account information and improves validation when making an international money transfer. Back ground of the IBAN Process: - International Bank Account Number is an internationally agreed system to identify bank accounts across borders to facilitate communication & processing of cross border transactions with reduced risk of transcription errors. Dark blue: SEPA country without complete support by our web service. An IBAN consists of a two-digit country code, two additional identifying digits, followed by several more (up to 30, so 34 in total) alphanumerical characters. IBAN Calculator IBAN Verification Tool to validate Morocco IBAN, BANQUE MAROCAINE DU COMMERCE EXTERIEUR IBAN MA64011519000001205000534921 format * Covid19 Latest Updates * Flags Maps Embassy Consulates IBAN Checker Distance Calculator Currency Converter Country Name Country Code IBAN Length IBAN Example (printed format) Albania: AL: 28: AL47 2121 1009 0000 0002 3569 8741: Andorra: AD: 24: AD12 0001 2030 2003 5910 0100 ISO Country Code: EE (Estonia) IBAN check Digits: 38: BBAN: 2200 2210 2014 5685: Bank Identifier: 22: Branch Identifier: 00: Account Number: 22102014568: BBAN Check Digit(s) ISO Country Code: FO (Faroe Islands) IBAN check Digits: 62: BBAN: 6460 0001 6316 34: Bank Identifier: 6460: Account Number: 000163163: BBAN Check Digit(s) 4: SEPA Member ISO Country Code: SA (Saudi Arabia) IBAN check Digits: 03: BBAN: 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519: Bank Identifier: 80: Account Number: 000000608010167519: SEPA Member: No ISO Country Code: LU (Luxembourg) IBAN check Digits: 28: BBAN: 0019 4006 4475 0000: Bank Identifier: 001: Account Number: 9400644750000: SEPA Member: Yes ISO Country Code: IS (Iceland) IBAN check Digits: 14: BBAN: 0159 2600 7654 5510 7303 39: Bank Identifier: 0159: Branch Identifier: 26: Account Number: 0076545510730339 World map - find out more IB Policies - Creating enabling environments to scale inclusive business solutions IB and the SDGs - an overview of recent developments around the SDGs Nov 21, 2023 · An international bank account number (IBAN) is a standardized number used by financial institutions, primarily in Europe, to identify individual bank accounts. Guadeloupe IBAN Format Example. Cheers, Stefan ISO Country Code: GR (Greece) IBAN check Digits: 16: BBAN: 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695: Bank Identifier: 011: Branch Identifier: 0125: Account Number: 0000000012300695 ISO Country Code: LV (Latvia) IBAN check Digits: 80: BBAN: BANK 0000 4351 9500 1: Bank Identifier: BANK: Account Number: 0000435195001: SEPA Member: Yes French Guiana IBAN Format Example. BIC code is used to identify a specific bank during an international IBAN Verification Tool to validate Algeria IBAN, SOCIETE GENERALE ALGERIE IBAN DZ580002100001113000000570 format * Covid19 Latest Updates * Flags Maps Embassy Consulates IBAN Checker Distance Calculator Currency Converter Jan 19, 2023 · IBAN is an acronym that stands for International Bank Account Number, which helps to identify an overseas bank account within a standardized international numbering system. description_1. Oct 24, 2022 · MANDATORY IBAN COUNTRY LIST: Country Country Code IBAN Length Andorra AD 24 Austria AT 20 Bahrain BH 22 Belgium BE 16 Bosnia-Hercegovina BA 20 Bulgaria BG 22 Croatia HR 21 Cyprus CY 28 Czech Republic CZ 24 Denmark DK 18 Estonia EE 20 Faeroe Islands FO 18 Finland FI 18 France FR 27 Georgia GE 22 Germany DE 22 Gibraltar GI 23 Greece GR 27 French Polynesia IBAN Format Example. World map - find out more IB Policies - Creating enabling environments to scale inclusive business solutions IB and the SDGs - an overview of recent developments around the SDGs Nov 12, 2012 · I would like to draw a map with the administrative borders of countries in Europe and Arabia in order to show the usage of International Bank Account Numbers (IBANs) in those countries. World map - find out more IB Policies - Creating enabling environments to scale inclusive business solutions IB and the SDGs - an overview of recent developments around the SDGs Sep 8, 2017 · The IBAN Country Setup Page is troublesome and when we compare the values for different countries it doens't make sence. ISO Country Code: AT (Austria) IBAN check Digits: 61: BBAN: 1904 3002 3457 3201: Bank Identifier: 19043: Account Number: 00234573201: SEPA Member: Yes ISO Country Code: LI (Liechtenstein) IBAN check Digits: 21: BBAN: 0881 0000 2324 013A A: Bank Identifier: 08810: Account Number: 0002324013AA: SEPA Member: Yes IBAN Country List. IBAN Calculator Move the mouse pointer over any country to make the map zoomable (with the mouse wheel) and draggable (left mouse button). ISO Country Code: DO (Dominican Republic) IBAN check Digits: 28: BBAN: BAGR 0000 0001 2124 5361 1324: Bank Identifier: BAGR: Account Number: 00000001212453611324 ISO Country Code: FR (France) IBAN check Digits: 14: BBAN: 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606: Bank Identifier: 20041: Branch Identifier: 01005: Account Number: 0500013M026 Sep 8, 2017 · The IBAN Country Setup Page is troublesome and when we compare the values for different countries it doens't make sence. Please click on any country from the below list to get the information. Cheers, Stefan ISO Country Code: GR (Greece) IBAN check Digits: 16: BBAN: 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695: Bank Identifier: 011: Branch Identifier: 0125: Account Number: 0000000012300695 ISO Country Code: LV (Latvia) IBAN check Digits: 80: BBAN: BANK 0000 4351 9500 1: Bank Identifier: BANK: Account Number: 0000435195001: SEPA Member: Yes ISO Country Code: ST (Sao Tome and Principe) IBAN check Digits: 68: BBAN: 0001 0001 0051 8453 1011 2: Bank Identifier: 0001: Branch Identifier: 0001: Account Number World map - find out more IB Policies - Creating enabling environments to scale inclusive business solutions IB and the SDGs - an overview of recent developments around the SDGs ISO Country Code: SM (San Marino) IBAN check Digits: 86: BBAN: U032 2509 8000 0000 0270 100: BBAN Check Digit(s) U: Bank Identifier: 03225: Branch Identifier: 09800 The following form lists all countries globally, including numerous dependent territories, organized by continent. ISO Country Code: ST (Sao Tome and Principe) IBAN check Digits: 68: BBAN: 0001 0001 0051 8453 1011 2: Bank Identifier: 0001: Branch Identifier: 0001: Account Number The total countries that supports IBAN are 89 country, and the list for all in this page ISO Country Code: GL (Greenland) IBAN check Digits: 89: BBAN: 6471 0001 0002 06: Bank Identifier: 6471: Account Number: 000100020: BBAN Check Digit(s) 6: SEPA Member IBAN stands for an International Bank Account Number. k. com - Updated June 12, 2024 PARTIAL IBAN COUNTRIES Name of country IBAN Code Length IBAN Example Algeria DZ 26 DZ580002100001113000000570 Angola AO 25 AO06004400006729503010102 Benin BJ 28 BJ66BJ0610100100144390000769 Many countries use the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) as a standardized format for how bank account information is presented when sending an international money transfer. title. The United States and Canada do not use IBAN, although both countries have implemented the IBAN standard. Find an example IBAN code for your country here. I would place the uppercased 2-letter country codes in the middle of each country, and preferrably I would use sev IBAN Country List. iban_countries. ISO Country Code: IE (Ireland) IBAN check Digits: 29: BBAN: AIBK 9311 5212 3456 78: Bank Identifier: AIBK: Branch Identifier: 931152: Account Number: 12345678: SEPA World map - find out more IB Policies - Creating enabling environments to scale inclusive business solutions IB and the SDGs - an overview of recent developments around the SDGs Make your own interactive visited countries map. See list of countries that have implemented the IBAN standard identification format. ISO Country Code: GI (Gibraltar) IBAN check Digits: 75: BBAN: NWBK 0000 0000 7099 453: Bank Identifier: NWBK: Account Number: 000000007099453: SEPA Member: No World map - find out more IB Policies - Creating enabling environments to scale inclusive business solutions IB and the SDGs - an overview of recent developments around the SDGs ISO Country Code: AD (Andorra) IBAN check Digits: 12: BBAN: 0001 2030 2003 5910 0100: Bank Identifier: 0001: Branch Identifier: 2030: Account Number: 200359100100 Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. This action will also increase the country counter by one. ISO Country Code: CH (Switzerland) IBAN check Digits: 93: BBAN: 0076 2011 6238 5295 7: Bank Identifier: 00762: Account Number: 011623852957: SEPA Member: Yes Nov 15, 2024 · IBAN and SWIFT BIC codes both facilitate international money transfers. popover. The IBAN Registry will show information about the IBAN, BBAN, Bank account length, and more. A typical British bank statement header (from a fictitious bank), showing the location of the account's IBAN. ISO Country Code: MC (Monaco) IBAN check Digits: 58: BBAN: 1122 2000 0101 2345 6789 030: Bank Identifier: 11222: Branch Identifier: 00001: Account Number: 01234567890 ISO Country Code: FO (Faroe Islands) IBAN check Digits: 62: BBAN: 6460 0001 6316 34: Bank Identifier: 6460: Account Number: 000163163: BBAN Check Digit(s) 4: SEPA Member ISO Country Code: KZ (Kazakhstan) IBAN check Digits: 86: BBAN: 125K ZT50 0410 0100: Bank Identifier: 125: Account Number: KZT5004100100: SEPA Member: No ISO Country Code: KZ (Kazakhstan) IBAN check Digits: 86: BBAN: 125K ZT50 0410 0100: Bank Identifier: 125: Account Number: KZT5004100100: SEPA Member: No ISO Country Code: SA (Saudi Arabia) IBAN check Digits: 03: BBAN: 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519: Bank Identifier: 80: Account Number: 000000608010167519: SEPA Member: No Georgia IBAN Format Example. IBANs consist of up to 34 alphanumeric characters, including a country code, two check digits, and the basic bank account number (BBAN), which can be up to 30 alphanumeric. Just select the countries you visited and share the map with your friends. Please do not change any country borders here, but always take the latest version of File:BlankMap-World6. ISO Country Code: MC (Monaco) IBAN check Digits: 58: BBAN: 1122 2000 0101 2345 6789 030: Bank Identifier: 11222: Branch Identifier: 00001: Account Number: 01234567890 Georgia IBAN Format Example. ISO Country Code: AE (United Arab Emirates) IBAN check Digits: 07: BBAN: 0331 2345 6789 0123 456: Bank Identifier: 033: Account Number: 1234567890123456: SEPA Member IBAN, or "International Bank Account Number," represents the ISO 13616 international standard used for bank account numbering. A SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) a. The IBAN examples and formats found on this site are based on the SWIFT IBAN Registry. A BBAN includes information about the domestic bank and account number. Without the correct IBAN number, your bank transfer may not get to the right destination. Legend: Orange: supported by our web service. The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) contains country code, check digit to validate IBAN Number, Bank & Branch Code & Account Number. An IBAN consists of a two-letter country code, two check digits and a Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). For each country you can view an example IBAN format and it's structure. Oct 12, 2014 · Country Specific- Qatar & Jordan IBAN Update Process. To get started, check your IBAN for the correct format or search for examples by country. This is a list of countries that have implemented the IBAN standard format. ISO Country Code: KW (Kuwait) IBAN check Digits: 81: BBAN: CBKU 0000 0000 0000 1234 5601 01: Bank Identifier: CBKU: Account Number: 0000000000001234560101: SEPA Member ISO Country Code: TN (Tunisia) IBAN check Digits: 59: BBAN: 1000 6035 1835 9847 8831: Bank Identifier: 10: Branch Identifier: 006: Account Number: 0351835984788: BBAN Check Digit(s) ISO Country Code: ES (Spain) IBAN check Digits: 91: BBAN: 2100 0418 4502 0005 1332: Bank Identifier: 2100: Branch Identifier: 0418: BBAN Check Digit(s) 45: Account Number ISO Country Code: CZ (Czech Republic) IBAN check Digits: 65: BBAN: 0800 0000 1920 0014 5399: Bank Identifier: 0800: Account Number: 0000192000145399: SEPA Member IBAN examples by country. svg as as basis. The following countries are listed in the IBAN Registry, which is managed by The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT). xhpb ohr plzhlhd rzbdtmf wpwyiuy rngrbl rjxa tyyipz unfyga grher