Appium hide keyboard ios. In one screen, we need to enter a PIN from the keyboard.
Appium hide keyboard ios. 1 (both fresh installed) iOS simulators (any 8.
Appium hide keyboard ios 0 documentation. The XCUITest driver was available in Appium starting with Appium 1. Use the driver. Aug 26, 2022 · Is there any button on the keyboard that can be used to close it or directly proceed? If yes - you could use something like app. I am already aware of driver. Dec 6, 2018 · There is a hide_keyboard method in webdriver. 3 or below, using Instruments, requires the introduction of a third-party app, SafariLauncher. hide_keyboard() How to hide keyboard in iOS mobile automation using Appium. I tried driver. 3 Appium java-client 4. hideKeyboard() For me I am setting a value to an editbox and while setting it, it opens the keyboard and this keyboard comes over the Signin button so I am unable to click this signin button as it is hidden behind the keyboard. Now you can use driver. I think that the easiest way to do this would be to close and reopen the app. self. features/support/env. 0+ and Appium 2. What's really strange is that this toolbar and buttons there can be interacted with when the tested app is opened for the first time after the phone restart. pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode. When I send keys to user name field, the keyboard pops up. If a container is split between the visible and invisible parts of the viewport then a part of its content won't be visible. Jun 29, 2017 · Hello to everyone :slight_smile: Today I met a problem with hiding keyboard on iPhone 6S Plus(real device) using appium 1. Available since Appium UiAutomator2 driver 1. public void swipeDown() throws InterruptedException {Thread. 12 is required. This driver is a wrapper over Apple's safaridriver binary, which is included to the standard macOS distribution and implements communication with either desktop or mobile Safari browser via W3C WebDriver protocol. If you are using Selenium 4, you will have to use Appium. Protractor + Appium hide android keyboard in chrome. A); driver. UIAutomation JavaScript API has following methods which can are Mar 20, 2015 · If your using Android you can use self. 35. To automatically close the keyboard on iPad devices: Click the Hide Keyboard button (buttom right). To hide the keyboard: Use the Press Key method with the HIDE_KEYBOARD key value. Finding button works as well (according to the appium server debug log). buttons["Next"]. UIAutomation was one of the tools included in Apple's Instruments profiling system, and provided a JavaScript API that ran synchronously in the context of a single app. 71. Please refer to the README in the Appium repository or Appium 2. 0 Appium-Python-Client: 0. 2. Hide keyboard. 18. 1 driver. So, the ways how to hide keyboard for iOS devices: Hide soft keyboard. hideDeviceKeyboard(); // taps outside to hide keyboard per default browser. fr_CA format for iOS. hideKeyboard (); Tip: This command is only for Android. Selenium/Appium (Java client) Apr 29, 2016 · How can i make appium use physical keyboard instead of soft keyboard? when running a code with xcode no keyboard is shown at all, but with appium the soft keyboard is shown. Install appium@beta and apply this patch to your WDA source. Follow Dismissing keyboard in appium test on iOS. hideKeyboard method in your next Appium Android Driver project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. It’s a simple method that easy work for Android but not so easy for iOS. Ios webkit debug proxy; Iwd xcode7; Migrating to 1 0; Migrating to xcuitest; Settings; Wda custom server; Appium setup. is_keyboard_shown(): self. Status; Execute Mobile Command Sep 21, 2017 · In this article, we are going to see the ways to hide mobile keypad in Appium. hideKeyboard() and Dismissing keyboard in appium test on iOS, but they are about how temporary hide keyboard. click(); Jan 31, 2021 · The problem Believe it is related to this PR: appium/WebDriverAgent#453 It was working on appium-xcuitest-driver 3. PRESS_KEY, "Hide keyboard") With some This method returns an undefined value. appium. May 16, 2017 · Can anyone let me know how to hide the keyboard in iOS mobile automation using Appium? programming language used: Java. Kindly help at the earliest. In my test case i have to press Go button of Ios keyboard. exceptions. sleep(3000); Hide keyboard strategy (optional, UIAutomation only). 0 the driver. pressKeyCode(AndroidK Appium sends non-ASCII characters to iOS editable fields directly, bypassing the keyboard altogether. Has anyone else run into this problem and found a good way to solve it without either making the parent view scrollable or moving the text field farther up the screen? Use the driver. navigate(). e. You signed out in another tab or window. A Mac computer with macOS 10. Mar 14, 2019 · Hi, I am working on Appium where I am stuck in one scenario where I want to enter some text say "ABC" using key press in iOS. Oct 10, 2023 · Add a dependency to the Appium. keyboards. Hide Keyboard on iOS. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Mar 5, 2019 · Using this method for an iOS device may cause the Appium script to hang. back(); In case of uncertainty of the visibility of keyboard, you can give this a try : driver. 20. Usage of this gesture is recommended as a possible workaround for cases where the "native" tap call fails, even though tap coordinates seem correct. 2 and Xcode 8. Appium will use its own keyboard and there won't be any keyboard displayed on screen. options. I can locate username/password by xpath (given to me through inspector). Enter your search terms below. WebDriver 5, which is currently only available as a prerelease, the latest of which is 5. setCapability("unicodeKeyboard", true); caps. We stuck at below point . Status; Execute Mobile Command May 1, 2024 · This trick will reorient the iPhone keyboard on the screen as well, and should fix the problem right away. This documentation is deprecated. Sometimes the setValue() call might not have any effect. The main aim is to ensure that your automated tests can proceed without interruptions caused by the keyboard. tap(). There is no automation hook for hiding the keyboard, and apps are free to allow the user to hide the keyboard using any of a variety of different strategies, whether that is tapping outside the keyboard, swiping down, etc Use the hideKeyboard method in io. Even click command executes with success, but without any effect on the app. So, the ways how to hide keyboard for iOS devices: - self. 7. Solution to Hide Keyboard Running mobile web tests on iOS real devices with iOS 9. InvalidElementStateException on attempt to hide keyword, i. Edit this Doc iOS 'mobile:': Element search swipe To search an element or a scroll view use: - element id with name argument - or specify NSPredicate string using predicateString argument Aug 8, 2009 · When I run the app and try to enter text into that field, the keyboard slides up overtop of the field so I can't see what I'm typing until I hide the keyboard again. The layout in the keyboard shows the hide keyboard icon and that has to be pressed for hiding the keyboard. As above, the text received may need to be normalized before asserting on it. Low-Level Insights on iOS Input Events; XCUITest Mobile Gestures; XCUITest Mobile App Management; iOS Pasteboard Guide; iOS Predicate Guide; iOS Touch ID Guide; iOS Install Certificate; tvOS support; Pushing/Pulling files; Audio Capture; Android. When keyboard is open there are chances that the button will be present behind the Keyboard. Automating Real iOS Devices with Appium. driver. Contribute to rakjha/appium development by creating an account on GitHub. Hide keyboard strategy (optional, UIAutomation only). hide_keyboard() I’m getting: E selenium. 6, Appium started throwing an selenium. The text is set on the same field (email text field) although I specify in the script to set the text on the respective fields (email, password). Use of hide mobile keypad. setCapability("resetKeyboard", true); Set the above 2 capabilities. 1. Available formats are the output of ffmpeg -codecs such as libx264 and mpeg4. Selenium. Available strategies - 'press', 'pressKey', 'swipeDown', 'tapOut', 'tapOutside', 'default'. Appium. If there’s no close key, fallback to window tap. Note: on iOS, this helper function is not guaranteed to work. 2 Xcode 8. Then simply replace RemoteWebDriver with AndroidDriver from namespace OpenQA. hideKeyboard method in your next Appium Xcuitest Driver project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. appium project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. Hide Keyboard. I have tried pressKeyCode(Keycode) for Android and I was able to handle keyboard input. If not - then the second question: Can you swipe the app behind the keyboard to see the button? If yes - you can get the keyboard coordinates and swipe above them to show the button. deactivateIme() would dismiss the keyboard but I get Jan 17, 2024 · Then we should hide the keyboard, in order to be able to subsequently access other elements on the screen. 7. There is no automation hook for hiding the keyboard, and apps are free to allow the user to hide the keyboard using any of a variety of different strategies, whether that is tapping outside the keyboard, swiping down, etc [Mobile] Run the iOS app in the background and wait [Mobile] Scroll To Text [Mobile] Send Keys You want to hide keyboard if it is showing. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of driver. 1 ) Command: ((IOSDriver) driver). Oct 25, 2017 · For our app, we are doing automation using appium in JavaScript. resetKeyboard will ensure that your old default keyboard is set when the session ends. press_keycode(66). WebDriverException: An error Jun 9, 2015 · Does anyone know how to hide the iOS keyboard on Appium (latest: v1. Jul 31, 2014 · We are automating an iOS app using Appium and JAVA. 0 but fails on 3. It is worth looking at '-ios uiautomation' search strategy with Predicates. adb shell dumpsys input_method | grep mInputShown Use this code for hiding the native keyboard in Java-appium running older versions of appium. 3 and below using the -ios uiautomation locator strategy and they are usable in iOS 10 and above using the -ios predicate string locator strategy. 11 or 10. Nov 5, 2015 · Hi @emnn_ayadi. 6 Appium version: 1. Android hax emulator; Android setup; Ios deploy; Parallel tests; Platform support; Real devices android; Real devices ios; Real devices; Running on linux; Running on osx; Running on windows; Troubleshooting; Contributing to Jul 25, 2023 · “Click Element At Coordinates” & “Long Press” Keywords are not working with Selenium 4. 0 XCode version: 12. HideKeyboard method successfully closes normal virtual keyboard. At the same time I want the message cursor visible. 3, you can use various techniques. On the UI, it works fine, the keyboard is hidden, but Appium sends back an erro Currently I am writing iOS tests using Python Appium and would like to completely hide the software keyboard which pops up whenever you have to type something. This method will return true if the keyboard is visible, else false. May 16, 2017 · Use the below swiped down method for the hide keyboard in IOS. 0. Mar 15, 2016 · Also if you are sure that the keyboard is displayed and you can even manually hide the keyboard, a forced way to do that is as @Gaurav has suggested in the comments using the following code : driver. 4 device: iPhone X Selenium: 3. 5 toolbar above keyboard (e. Feb 12, 2022 · Thanks for the quick reply, So if I enter text in non-en languages( in the sendKeys function) while my keyboard is in English, I notice that the text box gets populated correctly with the non-En text, this seems to tell me that Apple in backend just copy the text sent to its typeText Function on the text box and does not do a Keyboard event. null. 14. 34. 8. 6 (fresh installed on both machines) MacOS all updated xcode 6. g. Oct 16, 2015 · How to handle soft keyboard and hide it using appium android. hide_keyboard Hide Keyboard. It is only available for simulator on iOS: e. I am thinking the reason is because the keyboard is hiding the password field (see attached). Please help ! How long (in seconds) Appium will wait for a new command from the client before assuming the client quit and ending the session: e. What is the best way I can detect it ? I had a thought that, by knowing the y co-ordinate of keyboard and the element we can figure this out. So, I tried with way: inspect key coordinate with appium and perform action. 0+ in Mobile Automation for Android & iOS Setup: selenium: 4. We provide several common strategies to hide the keyboard, but we can't cover them all because the triggers are ultimately up to the developer. 7 when I am executing this command. Improve this answer. Feb 10, 2015 · You signed in with another tab or window. If the keyboard is visible, you can hide it using the following command: driver. Hide the keyboard (iOS only) This project is maintained by: Need help? If you have questions or any problems using WebdriverIO join the Gitter Chat, hit us contributor on Twitter or just file an issue on Github. Can someone help me in fining a way to enter number in iOS using some method ? pressKeycode(keycode) is not working in iOS. What a Tester Needs to Know to Automate Real Feb 11, 2024 · Testing mobile applications often involves interacting with various on-screen elements, and one crucial aspect is dealing with the iOS keyboard. 15. 1 (both fresh installed) iOS simulators (any 8. 0 there is a possibility to record iOS audio stream and save it to a file, which could be then retrieved on the client side. rb. : if self. This issue is related to the fact these calls use the legacy UIAutomator-based calls while this extension is based on the same foundation as W3C does. 12. . You could use java_client library methods: Jan 29, 2016 · There are two documented methods to hide the keyboard: driver. 2 robotframework-appiumlibrary: 2. exceptions Apr 22, 2016 · Hi, Generally in java language for hiding a keyboard, we use driver. Since Appium 1. 9 Stop keyboard overlay when interacting with Sep 12, 2024 · To hide the keyboard in iOS mobile automation using Appium, especially when working with older versions like iOS 10. Feb 21, 2019 · do not show keyboard in appium test on IOS. 0 Appium Desktop 1. wait for keyboard to appear The keyboard is animated, it do Apr 6, 2016 · You can also hide the keyboard and perform the actions using other screen widgets thereon. In automation testing, the keypad frequently pops up and we have to close it manually every time. Edit this Doc Activate App Activate the given app onto the device. 60: language: Language to set for iOS and Android. 1 iPad mini 3 (real device) with iOS 10. hideKeyboard From here you can search these documents. There is no automation hook for hiding the keyboard, and apps are free to allow the user to hide the keyboard using any of a variety of different strategies, whether that is tapping outside the keyboard, swiping down, etc Using ios-webkit-debug-proxy; Using Chromedriver; Image Comparison; iOS. Normally when you slide down or close the keyboard, the cursor also goes away. Mar 21, 2023 · I'm working on mobile automation, using Appium. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of hideKeyboard method from our library. Reload to refresh your session. Appium sends non-ASCII characters to iOS editable fields directly, bypassing the keyboard altogether. How to hide keyboard without closing the dialog box using Appium for IOS? 0. java_client package in your next io. Hide the keyboard. close() does not work) iOS Predicate. For the very first run after setting capabilities you will see the keyboard coming up, but from the second run onward soft keyboard will not come, and internally it sets default keyword as “Appium Android Input Manager” as suggested by Talmo. 0-rc. Jun 3, 2021 · Phone model: iPhone X OS: iOS 14. hideKeyboard(String) Both these methods (as of date) have open bugs on Appium’s Github page. Edit this Doc The Safari Driver Safari driver has been added to Appium since version 1. hide_keyboard fails to hide keyboard with error: Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotInt Nov 18, 2018 · How to hide keyboard in ios,i try some way to do this,but failed I try to ignore the keyboard to click the btn below the keyboard , the element be found by presenceOfElementLocated ,even the element not null, but still click failed ,so h Sep 2, 2016 · do not show keyboard in appium test on IOS. 3, 8. hideDeviceKeyboard( 'tapOutside' ); Aug 5, 2015 · Hi guys, Basically, I use driver. _driver. i found driver. 1 Java-client 3. driver. hide_keyboard() function but it's a pain to include it everywhere in tests. 6. find_element_by_accessibility_id(“loginInput”… In addition to Appium's general requirements: Apple's XCUITest library is only available on iOS simulators and devices that are running iOS 9. Using Appium / Python, how can I check if the Jan 16, 2018 · I have tried using driver. Feb 26, 2019 · When I test an iOS app using python under Appium, how can I send the return key/enter key? I tried self. py. XCUITest (iOS) XCUITest Real Devices (iOS) UIAutomation (iOS) UIAutomation Safari Launcher (iOS) UIAutomator (Android) UIAutomator2 (Android) Espresso (Android) Windows; Safari (Mac/iOS) Gecko (Firefox) Mac; Mac2; Commands . getKeyboard(); driver. Below is my scenario : Open the flipkart app Click on search icon type some text [eg: cars] Click search icon from the device keyboard Sep 4, 2018 · Python 3. 4 and 16. 0 robotframework: 6. hideKeyboard(); Other possible way is : You can click on <- at the top (or) try to navigate back by using function if any for iOS. 1) using Leadfoot / Intern? I'd hoped that:. Low-Level Insights on Edit this Doc Simple Element swipe Android: UIAutomator2. (iOS Only) The format of the screen capture to be recorded. Edit this Doc Is Keyboard Shown Whether or not the soft keyboard is shown it('should hide keyboard by tapping outside of it', function browser. Edit this Doc Get Window Handles Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session (Web context only) The Appium Clients; Getting Started; Supported Platforms; API Documentation; Drivers . Jan 3, 2015 · Attempting to hide the keyboard using the AppiumDriver hideKeyboard method results in the following exception: org. How do I dismiss this keyboard or click on done/next? I do know hidekeyboard works on a web app. Apr 15, 2020 · Hi, There is a button at the bottom my a page. Defaults to mjpeg. module Appium module Ios def Dec 22, 2014 · Hi I'v seen that there exists for ios strategies on how to close keyboard, such as: pressKey swipeDown tapOutside But this is for java lib Was this implemented in ruby API? May 5, 2015 · appium 1. To learn more about the press key command, see Legacy | Press key. 2 Protractor + Appium hide android keyboard in chrome. How to hide keyboard in iOS mobile automation using Appium. 2 Finding input fields in native app (real device) and sending keys to them works like a charm. So you'll need to use the following command to press Done on the keyboard: AD. I can't use the appium implementation in my production tests for iOS. Manual view. Script view . 0, when moving to 8. selenium. 2 How to hide keyboard in iOS mobile automation using Appium. by name. button "Done") is not recognized by Appium nor Appium Inspector. Aug 25, 2017 · I am automating ios application using appium. The Unicode Private Use Area code points, 0xE000-0xF8FF, are used to represent pressable, non-text keys (see table below). hideKeyboard("Hide keyboard"); to hide keyboard and get access to uibutton under it. However, when I try to locate keyboard button “hide keyboard” with Oct 9, 2019 · The problem webdriverio + appium using hideKeyboard() just moves to the previous field and does not hide the keyboard Environment Appium version (or git revision) that exhibits the issue: 1. If that’s the case, continue on. 28 hide_keyboard doesn't hide the keyboard. 2 Mar 29, 2021 · How to hide keyboard in iOS mobile automation using Appium. back() command to hide the keyboard using Appium, i use python, i use the following code after entering keys via Softkeyboard and it closes the keyboard and reveals the items hidden below keyboard Jun 22, 2021 · Hi, I have an issue with setting text on an IOS simulator using Katalon scripting. In some cases, you might need to simulate keyboard inputs during your Appium tests. The Appium Clients; Getting Started; Supported Platforms; API Documentation; Drivers . js version (unless using I think most people who invoke hide_keyboard on iOS expect behavior similar to the ruby_lib implementation. Appium identifies that the problem is because - "There is no automation hook for hiding the keyboard,rather than using this method, to think about how a user would hide the keyboard in your app, and tell Appium to do that instead (swipe, tap on a certain coordinate, etc name type description; strategy: string: Hide keyboard strategy (optional, UIAutomation only). By default UIAutomator2 driver only returns elements, which are visible on the screen. videoFps: string (iOS Only) The Frames Per Second rate of the Apr 21, 2015 · I am facing this issue on a real iPad Mini device with XCode 6. I have been using HideKeyboard method. 0 iPad Air 2 How do you guys hide keyboard? When I input username and password with send keys method my login button is not visible anymore. It's a simple method that easy work for Android but not so easy for iOS. HideKeyboard(). openqa. Apple does not provide any API to directly retrieve the audio stream from a Simulator or a real device, but it is possible to redirect that stream to the host machine, where it could be captured. 10. It is however working correctly on iOS 16. Dec 16, 2016 · Using: macOS Sierra 10. 21. hideKeyboard() driver. Fortunately, achieving this is straightforward with Appium Ruby. How to open a keyboard view in appium to type in UIAtextbox field as sendkeys of webdriver is not working without it ? Please help . I can send info to those elements with sendKeys method. And use the following function to hide the keyboard: driver. In order to avoid this, the below syntax is used, so that the process continues without any delay or crash. If the keyboard is visible, you can hide it by using the following command in iOS: driver. hideKeyboard method from our library. After perform actions (python): el = driver. 3. 0 Mar 3, 2015 · Hi there, I have a code, where the website launches on the Android real device, the web site has 2 fields a user name and password. I managed to fix this issue in the end by resorting to patching the keyboard dismissal code in Appium like this. Feb 25, 2016 · Here is collected the list of tips and tricks how to solve some issue during automation of mobile iOS app with Appium. 5. However, some apps do not have different orientation support, like many third party messaging apps and social media apps, and in some situations the rotation does not change the keyboard or hide the keyboard. For Appium(automation name), not XCUITest If there’s no keyboard, then do nothing. 1. Available strategies - 'press', 'pressKey', 'swipeDown', 'tapOut May 21, 2021 · If you are using Appium with webdriverio client to test your web application on IOS emulator using safari browser and want to close the keyboard by clicking the ‘Done’ button, you are in right Oct 27, 2016 · Environment: Appium 1. Hiding the keyboard often depends on the way an app is implemented, no single strategy always works. 0. Jun 2, 2023 · On iOS 16. setCapability("unicodeKeyboard", true); capabilities. hideKeyboard(), but it doesn't work for me. Edit this Doc Pull File Retrieve a file from the device's file system Oct 25, 2013 · I'm using appium to automate some tests but I want the application under test to return to the same start in between tests. hideKeyboard() is not accessible anymore. 5 After updating to iOS 14. Related questions. Both ways are work for me. name type description; strategy: string: Hide keyboard strategy (optional, UIAutomation only). But I do not know how to find the position of height of the keyboard. Any UTF-8 character may be specified, however, if the server does not support native key events, it should simulate key strokes for a standard US keyboard layout. setValue()' example Unfortunately, XCTest cannot always properly interact with picker wheel controls. 3 or higher. hideKeyboard(); Share. Apr 17, 2014 · @joetam hideKeyboard is tricky. 1 automationName: XCUITest platformName: iOS platformVersion: 11. In one screen, we need to enter a PIN from the keyboard. 4. WebDriver library. While this allows the text to be inputted in tests, it should be kept in mind that any business logic triggered by keyboard input will therefore not be tested. videoQuality: string (iOS Only) The video encoding quality (low, medium, high, photo - defaults to medium). hideKeyboard(); Oct 3, 2022 · The problem Trying to hide keyboard on iOS with corresponding python client method but receiving error: [debug] [XCUITestDriver@4844 (b91203d3)] Proxying [POST /wda/keyboard/dismiss] to [POST http: If you want to hide your keyBoard during the whole tests, use this: caps. hideKeyboard("PRESS_KEY", "Done"); Apr 29, 2016 · First of all you should realize whether the soft keyboard is active or not - Use the following command from your code to check "mInputShown" parameter - If "true" - Active Soft Keyboard. Does anyone face this issue? where my drive was set as: public static A Jun 7, 2020 · I’ve removed the keyboard presence verification in refactor: Do not check for keyboard presence before input by mykola-mokhnach · Pull Request #340 · appium/WebDriverAgent · GitHub, because it is actually not needed according to what apple documentation says. Appium hidekeyboard() method. hideKeyboard() and I have even used keyboard strategies with no success. Dec 8, 2020 · Dismissing keyboard in appium test on iOS. May 28, 2018 · capabilities. Available strategies - 'press', 'pressKey', 'swipeDown', 'tapOut Jul 1, 2016 · One taps outside the keyboard, the other presses a key of your choosing (probably the 'Done' key). 3 and below. fr: locale: Locale to set for iOS and Android. Edit this Doc iOS pickerWheels: Fast '. Appium's former method for iOS app automation was based on UIAutomation, an Apple-provided framework that shipped with the iOS SDK until iOS 10, when it was removed. : self. I know there is a way to do in Android i. common. Like : driver. This is necessary because with Instruments there is no way to start the Safari app on the device. Available strategies - 'press', 'pressKey', 'swipeDown', 'tapOut name type description; strategy: string: Hide keyboard strategy (optional, UIAutomation only). setCapability("resetKeyboard", true); Share Appium sends non-ASCII characters to iOS editable fields directly, bypassing the keyboard altogether. You can use it as e. Oct 25, 2022 · Hey! I used to work with java-client version 7. Nov 14, 2019 · How to hide keyboard in iOS mobile automation using Appium. 5. Android. It is only available for simulator on iOS. Is this possible with appium? If so, how? (Note: driver. 2 Appium 1. For some reason the text is set on the email field. hideKeyboard(); WebElement otherGoodToGoButton = <find other useful button/widget> otherGoodToGoButton. Status; Execute Mobile Command This documentation is deprecated. NOTE: iOS predicates are usable in iOS 9. Xcode 7 or higher is required. The focus is still in the last input May 16, 2018 · I had simmilar issue on java, so I used two methods for workaround: 1. I also tried to use Important: It is expected, that --relaxed-security command line parameter is set for the Appium server command line in order to measure Simulator performance, since the instruments tool records the data from all running processes on the host machine. But how do you handle this on a web browser on a real device, following is my code @Test public void From here you can search these documents. hideKeyboard(HideKeyboardStrategy. 0 (and below) Node. method - tap on the textField() - get pageobject for UIAKeyboard, override numpad keyboard (fetch all buttons into page object) - used scripted method in pageobject to click on Number element. 3 Xcode 7. 2 and Appium 1. I would like to hide virtual keyboard when typing a message. dytetj mitlwm jeo fefpa iwtqdn qfc ccbecr dsi tczlk dlz